JARED ROSEN is an author, artist and thought leader. He is the co-author of Inner Security and Infinite Wealth, the co-founder of Inner Securities Inc. and the developer of Whole Self Management. In addition, he is the founder of Dreamsculpt, a consulting group focused on catalyzing authentic and soulful expression in the entertainment and media industry.

Jared has dedicated his life to building a world where love is recognized as the highest standard. He lives in Sonoma County, California with his family.

email Jared: jrosen@dreamsculpt.com

DAVID RIPPE is founder and president of Celestia International, a strategic marketing communication and creative services firm. He is the author of The Journals trilogy under the pseudonym, R.T. Stone.

David enjoys a peaceful lifestyle centered on family, meditation, activism, music, reading and travel. He strives to embrace the energetic flow of all things.

“We each walk our own path, find our own light. Hopefully, we can laugh at ourselves on our journey of discovery.”

email David:


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