Here are a few excerpts from the book. Check back often as more will be added shortly.

Stop Ignoring the Obvious
Many Americans are oblivious to the energy they waste. We don’t see the connection between our lack of energy conservation, cruising around in cars that get poor gas mileage, high fuel prices, wars in the Middle East and global warming. We’re disconnected from the repercussions of our actions and habits. We’ll drive on toward oblivion, complaining all the way. Read More...

The Bridge of Choice
Imagine yourself standing on a bridge between two worlds. On one side of the bridge is an upside-down world. Why is it upside-down? It is upside-down because people have lost their intimate connection to the whole, and feel isolated and separate from society. Read More...

The Medium of Money
Money in and of itself is neither a good nor a bad thing. It is simply a medium for facilitating the exchange of goods and services. How we use money to fulfill our needs, wants and desires determines whether we have a healthy or detrimental relationship to money. Read More...

Pulling Out the Roots of War
War is not inevitable as some would have us believe. Peace can be created by identifying and understanding the causes of war. By knowing what triggers this most violent of human behaviors, we can work to pull it out by its roots. Read More...


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